Another Unsent Letter [ May 14, 2006, 3:36 a.m. ]



There has been something that I wanted to talk to you about, and it's been bothering me since our little blow up last week. Why is it so hard for us to just be friends?? I've felt so on edge. Like I have to watch what I do and say around you because if I don't I'm stepping on your toes. Why does this seem so difficult? I never ever intended for things to turn out this way. I never wanted it to be hard for us to be friends. I want so badly to turn back time and just erase the past few months. I don't want to feel that when you look at me your looking through me. I want for you to be honest with me, no matter how much you think it will hurt me. Sometimes in life things just hurt and you get on with things. I want us to be us, the way we used to be. Happy and laughing and just having fun being dumb w/ each other. Did I really fuck up that much by telling you that I love you? I just wanted the relief of getting it off my chest. I hate the fact that my heart has caused so much pain and frustration. I don't know what to do. I feel like I would be so lost if you weren't in my life. I feel safe with you. And I know that if you weren't there I would miss you terribly. So yeah... I don't know.


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