Amazing [ March 11, 2006, 4:59 a.m. ]


Long time no talk!... Ok so this is what's clouding my mind at this moment. I am a pathetic, hopeless romantic, who is waiting for my best friend to tell me he loves me back. Well he doesn't. As crazy as it sounds, I'm glad I won't see him much this weekend. Actually I feel like I need a week. Ok so it's like I feel like I'm surrounded by this cloud when he's around. And it like a storm cloud that hovers. And this weekend I feel cloud free! My meds are kicking in, thank god, so I'm feeling a lot better. I had a wonderful present when I showed up @ Jeff and Matt's B-day Party! LIZZI! *sigh* My life long pal. She makes me smile. I went and chilled with her at her new house. It's so cute and she has such a flair for design, she's always been so talented. We reminised about crazy times, all the way back to 2nd grade. It felt good to just talk about good times and happy memories. Also catching up on all that's been going on in our crazy lives. Well I'm all worn out, and ready for bed, I've been drinking! *bad girl, slap on the hand*

Till then,

last - next

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