Slick Roads and Crazy Dreams [ November 22, 2005, 8:28 a.m. ]


AHHHH!!! I'm soooo tired!

Ok so I had a rather eventful evening last night. Actually it was really scary. I called up to Becca's work and we talked for about 10 minutes. She was off and just hanging out grabbing a drink or two and watching the end of the football game. That was around 10:30 or so. Well around 2:30 the phone rings and I don't recognize the number, I answer and Becca is in tears. It's been raining so hard and she slipped off the road and fucked up her back axel. Needless to say her car isn't going to get fixed before she has to leave to go home for Thanksgiving. She was so sad. And I almost started crying. I know how special seeing her family on holidays is to her. She told me she'd call me back when she got home. That was around 430 or so this morning. I need to call and check on her, but I'm hoping she sleeping or atleast resting. I'm going to give her about an hour or so more then I'll wake her up and get all the details. Thank God she is ok.

On to the bizzare part of this entry... MY DREAMS!

OMG... they have been so crazy lately. Ok so here goes.

I answer an ad in the paper and find out that a couple needs a babysitter. Come to find out that the address is right behind me. So I add that little bonus in and get the job. On the way to meet the couple, I start getting this really weird feeling. I pull up and in the drive way is my 1st car from college.... confused... I walk up to the door and it's the guy I lost my virginity to and my sworn enemy from HS. For some reason they dissapear in front of my face and an old woman *grandma, but no ones grandma I know* leads me into the room to meet the baby. For some reason I take the job, I guess I needed the money, and as I'm their at the house, everyday, Random people from HS keeep popping up. I don't know what's up with these dreams about HS, but to be honest with you, I REALLY HATE IT! These people cause me so much anxiety for some reason in my dreams. When I see them in real life, I just brush it off, that was a long time ago, but I woke up from the dream so stressed out. *shrugs*

I hate these dreams, I wish they would stop. I don't even know why I'm thinking about people I haven't seen in like 5 years+. And when I do run into people, we just fake nice and say hi, how are you, blah, blah, blah, well I gotta go, take care, bye! Funny thing about a small town, you run into everyone, you're nice in public, then when you get to you're closest friend you talk about all the shit they did when they were teenagers. WHY DO WE DO THIS!?!??! I call it the Hopewell Curse. It just happens, you can't help it, I need to get over it. AM I EVER GONNA GET OUT OF THIS TOWN!?!?!?! *crosses my fingers* God, I hope so!

Too tired to type more, maybe I'll write more later...

peace and love,

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