Sheeee's BACK! [ April 04, 2008, 1:50 a.m. ]


WOW! I can't believe it's been a whole year since I've written here. I guess I can chalk it up to life. I think the worse part of it all is that life really hasn't change that much. I was just reading my last diary entry. Damn! I was in a bad place then. I've let go of all that angst. I grew up and got over it. I still feel like that person betrayed me, but I've learned that in life, people are going to let you down. I've learned in my 26 years that life is going to happen, you just have to strap yourself in, throw your hands in the air and enjoy the ride.

Have you ever known someone for a very long time, never thought of them as anything other than a friend, then it hits you that you sorta like this person? It's confusing and weird and somewhere deep down you feel that it's actually wrong. Well that's what happened to me this weekend. I was sitting on the sofa, just minding my own damn business and then I looked up. There he was and I got this confused feeling. It was like I was seeing him in this whole new light. I've cut myself off from emotion for the past year. I don't want to like anyone, I dont ever want to fall in love again. I'll never speak of this outloud. I'm gonna push these feelings as deep down as possible. There are so many factors that muddle the situation. He's a friend, he's my brother's friend. Our families are friends. Even if the feelings were recipricated I would never want to jeprodize what we all have together.

I'll write more later. It's just too late and I can't think anymore!

Peace and Love,

Oh yeah and new layout coming super soon!

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