Change is a Learning Tool [ July 13, 2006, 8:59 a.m. ]


Ok... So yes I SUCK! But I did do a new layout... and that's what matters. I needed a desperate change. Everything seems to be changing. The beach sucked by the way. Too much Drama... but I learned a lot. And learning is the point of life. I found out which friends were worth it and which ones weren't. I hate the fact that I have to keep learning that lesson over and over again. I need to find a gang of Leos so we can be loyal together.... OMG The EGOS though... ha ha!

I've been going through these cycles of mania here lately. One minute I'm all smiles and the next I'm ready to bite your head off.

I've slowly but surely gone back in my "cave" and try to best to avoid any type of confrontation. The problem is when I get angry I take it out on my mom. And she doesn't deserve it.

17 days till 25! And even less till I leave for 2 weeks for Corolla. A well deserved vacation and it's definately going to be better than Beach Week. I can hear the hammock calling my name right now. I can't wait to sleep in my own bed, in my room. I love the familiarity of my family's beach house. So many good memories. Plus I can't wait to hang out w/ Liam. Sometimes I wonder how long until he becomes a guy and doesn't like hanging out w/ me anymore. I still can't believe he's 11. It seems like yesterday I was holding my baby cousin in my arms. Now he's almost as tall as me. *sigh* Aging SUCKS!!!!

Well I'm off to take a nap. Designing tires you out quickly.

Till then...

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