Playing Catch Up! [ December 02, 2005, 10:52 a.m. ]


I really need a laptop with wireless capability! I've been back and forth to Richmond so much lately, I feel like my head is spinning. But I can say I've had a lot of fun with Becca this past week. I think I've realized even more what an awesome friend she is. I know that sometimes things can get rough between us but that's just because we care about each other so much, We sometimes have difference on how we should be living our lives. I know she is a intelligent, street savvy gal, and she can take care of herself, but that doesn't mean I'll ever stop worrying about her. She really is the most amazing person. I feel like I can talk to her about anything. She gets me, she doesn't judge, and she helps me to realize that HEY! there are some good people left in this world. Just when I thought there were nothing but a bunch of using losers that I was friends with I realize that she has always been there for me no matter what.

Let's see what did we do... I met her up at her restaurant on Wed. night. We got a few drinks and I met this really cute guy that she has been digging on here lately. He's really nice and I totally approve. Then we spent a whole day on the couch watching Nip/Tuck. What a crazy, bizzare, but really good show! I didn't think they would put that much sex on T.V. But this is America, So I should have known. Even though we really didn't do much, we just talked a whole lot about everything. I just had an all together wonderful time with her. As usual.

Before my last post, I went up to spend the first part of the week with her because of her car situation. LOL we colored a lot. I was helping Becca figure out how to redo her coffee table. We didn't get far. We got really side tracked!

Any new news!?!? Not really. I'm still hopelessly digging on someone that I know I'll never get. To be honest, I don't know if I really want him, or if I just want someone. Does that make sense? I guess I'm so used to never being alone. I've always been attached or semi-attached, I've never really needed to worry. Now I'm guyless, and wondering if it's worth wasting time over. I'm so worried about the stress of a relationship making me unhealthy, honestly, I'm scared to death. Is stressing over a relationship worth getting in a wheelchair faster!?!?! NOOOOOOOO! but at the same time it would be nice to just have someone to chill with. I don't even want a boyfriend, I want a guy friend. Just a boy that I can go do stuff with. No stress, just fun! Ha Ha sounds soooooo easy!

This weekend's plans consist of going to watch Becca's love interest play w/ his band. I'm excited, something different to do! Hopefully, my little crush will come with, but if not that's totally cool too!

Till next time...

peace and love,

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